Monday, December 31, 2018

Dr. Oz and Jordan Peterson - Rules to Live By

Dr. Oz and Jordan Peterson

This is a great interview that touches on the subject of his book of the same title. 

12 Rules to Live By

Dr. Oz gives one of the best interviews I've seen with Dr. Peterson.  Rather than antagonistic he is cooperative and looking to help his audience with this guest.  It is very compelling.

What Really Matters at the end of Life

This is an informative video on how to face the end of life.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Hope Lange - 1933-2003

Hope Lange - the Fugitive "The Last Oasis."


She was beautiful.  I remember he most from the Ghost and Mrs. Muir TV series.  Her gentle personality shined through in that movie and her classic beauty was hard to miss. 

In this episode of the Fugitive she helps Kimble escape and puts herself at great risk doing so.  Were Kimble not on the run it seems she would've been the best person for him to find since she seemed to have an intuitive grasp of his need to run, but didn't know why.  Once she understood it she took it upon herself to save him from capture and then death at the hands of a sheriff deputy.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Joseph Campanella - R.I.P. May 16, 2018


He passed away in May of 2018.  I just watched him in an episode of the Fugitive and remember him from many movies and TV shows over the decades.    He played his parts well and had such a genial demeanor that the best parts he played, though intense sometimes, always leaned toward the good and the human.  He had a genuine smile that seemed to carry beyond the screen so you knew he was a friendly guy and good natured.


Friday, December 7, 2018

Antoinette Bower - Actress


The Case of the Bluffing Blast - Perry Mason

Bower plays the character Linda Blake in this episode and is charged with murder.

I've seen her in many TV shows and in some movies over the decades.  She has a distinctive voice and accent that helps her appear very sophisticated and intense and serious.

It is nice to know she's still working.

Probe 7 - Over and Out -The Twilight Zone    This episode is from 1963.

It's February 23nd, 2019 and I'm watching METV at 12:30am.  It's a great way to find surprises and in this one that I have seen multiple times it's the first time I recognized Antoinette Bower playing the part of the other stranded traveler on a planet where only one other inhabitant by chance is another space castaway played by Richard Basehart.  How will it end.  I can't remember but if I were to be stranded on a distant planet I think it would have been nice to find her there.  As the episode ends they share the forbidden fruit from the tree or that is the symbolism I think they included. 

At least the show ended in hope and some dream of happiness rather than loneliness and desolation.

The thing that makes you smile is to imagine that the odds of two humanoids from different planets somehow end up running into each other.  Even on our planet the diversity of life has many differences visible from geographic region to another so there is almost no chance of similarity of being from different planets.  This is the fun of imagination and make believe as found in film and theatre. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

David Janssen - actor - The Fugitive TV Series


If you want to watch one of the best TV series ever pick up the fugitive from the 1960's.  Most of it is in Black and White so you'll be able to enjoy a multi season binge of retro TV art.  The stories are superb and the acting includes almost all of the best and future great stars of television.

Richard Anderson - Prolific Actor


I've seen him in so many shows that I can't imagine that he hasn't been in everything done on TV at some time or another.  Check out his bio and list of credits and you'll be amazed at the amount of work he has done.

Aside from the sheer volume you'll find that in most of his work he played a part that always had him near the center of action. 

TV has lost a great talent but thankfully he will live on forever in his work.


Don Gordon - Actor


Good actor, fascinating parts.  I've seen him in many and varied parts and he always is the guy faced with a challenge.  He has the face for it.  Serious, intense, and hard.

He played a hard case Sheriff in the Fugitive series and if I remember correctly he had a part in a twilight zone episode or an Outler limits one.  Once you see him you'll never forget his face.

Paul Carr - Actor



I remember him in Star Trek and Time Tunnel series episodes.  He always fit the parts or should I say played the parts to a perfect fit.

He's in an episode of The Fugitive - Nightmare at Northoak

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Brenda Vaccaro - The Fugitive TV Series

A Beauty

I don't remember the first time I saw her on TV or in the movies but she is memorable in so many ways to include a strong and intense screen presence.   This was a very stressful episode and her part as a hostage from a gas station holdup who is threatened with sexual aggression first and then death allows her to display her acting skills with facial expressions and body language.    She has to team up with Jansen as the Fugitive to outwit two kidnappers.



Sunday, November 25, 2018

Dorothy Malone - RIP 2018

Route 66 TV Series Episode - Fly Away Home Parts 1&2

The last time I looked for Dorothy online I hadn't seen her in this episode of one of my favorite TV series from the 60's.  Somehow thanks to the current pop media her death didn't even get a mention in any of the news outlets that I follow for news.  At one time Dorothy Malone was a household name and in this episode she is older than her prime but still very attractive as she retains a perfect

She played the sad and ill treated divorcee of her Pilot Husband, Michael Renee.  And though he seems much older than her his bearing, trim fit, and full set of hair lets it work. 

She loved him and her job as a night club singer gives her an outlet for her sorrows and a wonderful showcase for a great singing voice.

The story goes along with Buzz making his play for her where in his case she is an older woman than him.   As expected, it didn't work out and in the end she loses her Pilot former husband to an air crash.

This is a two part episode and is easily up to the high standards of the series with some exceptional actors. 

It's sad to hear that Dorothy passed away and sadly this is the case for everyone generally that reaches such a wonderfully full age.   In her years on the screen she was not only beautiful but so talented that you can't help but believe she is the part she is playing.  Nothing speaks better for acting talent.


Sunday, November 11, 2018

Janice Rule - Intensity RT 66 A Lance of Straw

A Lance of Straw

The second episode in the first season of Rt66 is an entertaining one with a multiple levels of humor, loyalty, attraction, danger, and emotional turmoil mixed together.  Janice Rule plays her part well though at first it is hard to get her accent but she pulls off the hard case attitude very well.  More importantly she works well with Martin Milner and George Maharis.   She is beautiful in her youth.

I read that she passed away at 72.    It makes watching this a bittersweet event and likely right now I'm the only one watching this show planet-wide.  If you have a chance it's worth the time to enjoy this now historical artifact of American culture soon long past.

Rt 66 "A Lance of Straw" Cast and Crew


Janice Rule Wiki

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Arlene Martel - The Case of the Absent Artist

Arlene Martel

She not only was beautiful but had the ability to create accents and was a superb actor.  I just saw her again in the Perry Mason episode of titled The Case of the Absent Artist.

The episode isn't over and I've seen it before and can't remember if she was the killer but at this point in the show she seems the most likely culprit.  She's playing the part well as the cagey and angry X of the victim.

Whatever the ending she is unforgettable in almost any role she played.  I'd say it was her intensity combined with her beauty and an anger that she could portray beyond the intensity.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Bride of Frankenstein 1935 Film B&W - Elsa Lanchester

I just watched the movie again for the 10th time or more.  I can't remember but it is a great background show to have on when you're doing something else.

I decided to finally with the help of the Internet to find out who the Bride was, or should I say who played the part.

Elsa Lanchester played the bride in the movie and before that Mary Woolstonecraft Shelley in the movie when she was alive before being brought back to life as the bride.

Boris Karloff of course played the Monster and of course did it perfectly.

As for Elsa, she had such a distinctive face that I remembered her in so many movies, TV shows, and wherever else she appeared that I find it nice to finally read about her.  She had a unique way of speaking and her eyes were very much a part of her acting image. 

If you want a Halloween movie to watch this one is worth seeing.

Book Review: How to Write Short

How to Write Short
Word Craft for Fast Times
Roy Peter Clark - Author of Writing Tools
264 Pages

This is a book of great ideas for refining your writing to the essence and improving communication.  

***** 5 star Rating From me - It's worth the read.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Gene Tierney - The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

I fell in love with Gene Tierney tonight.  Though I may have seen her in movies before I never really paid attention to the actors in movies during my youth.  Aside from her beauty she was an unbelievably talented actress.  This movie I picked up today from the library is one I didn't know about.  I watched the TV series so I was familiar with the story, but this is an amazing original production.  Rex Harrison of course played his part as the Captain, the ghost, as well as it could be done.  But the star of the movie is Gene Tierney.

Reading her biography I learned that she passed away in 1991 at the age of 70.  She had a difficult later life that had her troubled with mental illness and it's hard to imagine her so unhappy.  It's a sad element of life that with all her talent that she had to struggle through the remainder of her life.

Tonight though, I have to say just watching her play this part is a reminder that such beauty is ephemeral and therefore even more precious.  Her voice, her mannerisms, and perfect way of displaying emotions on screen justify her leading actress power during her time.

One of her quotes "Wealth, beauty, and fame are transient. When those are gone, little is left except the need to be useful."

If you want to see a hidden treasure of a movie consider spending an evening with this old black in white from 1947.

And rest in Peace to all the actors in that movie who have passed away for I suppose that none are alive now except possibly the children.

It has a beautiful ending.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

If You Want to Be a Writer Listen to Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith and the Note

He makes a great point not to let others define you or convince you that you don't have what it takes to follow your dreams or passion.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Finding Your Purpose - Ikigai

Here is a great essay on the why and how of making changes in life.

Before it's too late

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Jon Voight - Master Performance in Return to Lonesome Dove

I just finished watching the 2 DVD set and if you love Westerns and already watched Lonesome Dove then you'll likely love this follow on series.

All of the acting is superb so it's hard for me to claim favorites.  Each actor played their part exceptionally and the settings and storyline will draw you in as a participant.

Of all the parts that I've seen John Voight  play I now believe this may be the culmination of a very long and successful career.  He is the character.  Between his facial expressions, his mannerisms, and well practiced accent for the part he left me wanting to be on that ranch just to ride on his side of the range war.  The whole series is an experience but I'll have to say that there is a reason the story had him as central and choosing Voight to play the part made it work.

He receives the National Medal of Arts for President Trump
He blasts Hollywood Liberals, Atheists, and Marxists.  You have to give him credit not only for his acting ability but for his willingness to speak out in defense of his beliefs.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Redford Retiring at 82

Redford Retires

He did play some great parts.  Fortunately we have film so those parts are indelible and like all actors before him there does come a time to walk away.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Canon Cameras - passing of an era

Canon - Out of Film Cameras

I've owned them and they were superb.  But we've all gone digital for most things and this is another indicator of how much has changed.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Is an English Degree Worthless?

Joe Bob - English Major Confesses

Joe Bob has a point and it is that you had better really like English and Literature if you take that course of study because the marketability of it is doubtful in this day and time.  You may end up in some writing profession or you might end up cleaning houses or serving coffee as a Barista.  Then of course there is always the gig economy where you'll be driving people around in your car for $10 and hour. 

I already had a profession if you want to call it that so for me it was simply do I want to new profession at my late age or should I enroll in something I enjoyed.  I chose enjoyment and though I haven't regretted it I do realize that the limitations of an English degree has a lot to do with the perceptions of the people doing the hiring.  So if you take the route of English your best bet is going to be self-employment whether it is in the English teaching or writing realm or you could end up having to take specific training to become fully employable.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

In Remembrance Tom Wolfe

NYT on Tom Wolfe

I've loved his work since introduced to it in a literature class though I actually ran across it before that and never made the connection.  The Bonfire of the Vanities became a favorite movie for me because Hanks, Willis, Griffith, and Weaver are in it and of course the story is great.

Later, coming across all of his work I made an effort or should I say an education of reading everything he wrote.   When new books came out I'd read them and felt I understood his intent and learned something. 

The NYT article covers almost everything that can be said except maybe that even us lowly readers and not just the critics or major artists found his work exceptional.  Part of what made it so enjoyable is how it skewed so many of the pretentious and opened bare the truth through story and description that has limited much fiction now.

It's a sad day to know that an artist of such talent has left the stage.

Tom Wolfe, RIP 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

For anyone who hasn't seen the movie and loves Westerns this is the classic you must see.  It is known as spaghetti western because they were made in Italy.  The wonder of these films is the music in addition to the epic scenes.  Final Duel

Here is the Swedish National Symphony playing the title song.

For an added treat here is the ending of For a Few Dollars More

Fistfull of Dollars great scene

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Richard Crenna - actor long on the verge of Stardom

Richard Crenna - actor long on the verge of Stardom

Dead at 76

I see a young Crenna playing a student in the comedy series, Our Miss Brooks.  It's playing today on the Decades Channel.  Eve Arden is the Star and Crenna is the goofy student Walter Denton.  It's hard to imagine the character he plays in this show when you compare it to his serious roles throughout much of the TV and Movie career that followed.  He really did have a great range of skills.  I still remember the exceptional part he played in Rambo.

Looking back to these early parts you realize that many actors have a long and varied list of acting efforts behind careers that we see only later.  I don't remember him in this part but now see that he had to start somewhere and what better place than as comedic actor.  Opposite Eve Arden he is a perfect balance to her caustic humor.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

25 Uncomfortable things you need to do

If you don't want to regret your life

Many of these are obvious but easily forgotten.  Others now seem obvious but weren't.  Good ideas for life.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

How to read more books

Read more books

If you want to ramp up your book reading I suggest adding at least one audio book per week to your effort.  It's easily done while driving if you spend even modest amounts of time behind the wheel.

The rest of the effort is best spent as the writer of the article linked above suggests and that is just to read more by devoting more time to it.

He gave some practical tips for getting through standard category books and I have found myself taking a similar approach.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Noel Neill


She Lois Lane in the Adventures of Superman

I didn't know she had passed away until I did a search tonight after seeing an ad about the series on decades channel.



Goodbye Lois, Goodbye Noel

Monday, February 19, 2018

Kathie Browne


I would recognize her distinctive soft feminine voice anywhere as I think anyone familiar with her acting would.

Memory Alpha Wiki

Perry Mason - The Case of the Festive Felon - full cast
She plays a bad and greedy girl in this episode.  She played the part of an cute airhead until Mason smoked her out and then she became a cynical and money focused cold blooded killer.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Leslie Parrish - Perry Mason

This is a photo from a Star Trek episode.

She played some great parts.  The one she played tonight on the Perry Mason show was of the bad girl, Veronica Temple.  I'm waiting to see if she is the killer.  You know how it works.  Perry will get it out of someone right there in court.  I bet it doesn't happen like that for real very often.

It wasn't her.  She was just plotting for money in this episode.

I have to say she is beautiful and I remember her from many shows.  She's 82 years old right now so won't look the same but I bet to her family she still is.



Monday, January 29, 2018

Using Google Search: 10 tricks

Google Search

Most of this is known information to people skilled in search engines but the article is well written and therefore helpful. 

You can learn from this.

The most important thing to know is that keyword search means thinking key words that will get you results.  Add all of those pertinent to what you are looking to find.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Lisa Gaye - Perry Mason

I remember her from many shows and movies over the years.  Tonight she's on an episode of Perry Mason titled "The Case of the Traveling Treasure."  Filmed in 1961 it's one of the high quality shows from that series.

Gaye plays a great part as a beautiful but hard woman.  She was the killer in this episode. 

I checked the cast of this episode and see she passed away in 2016 at age 81.  Another beauty leaves the stage.



Western Clippings

Lisa Gay Pictures

She had some great parts over her career and such a distinctive look that she is unmistakable when you find her in an old movie or tv show.