Saturday, November 23, 2019

Jewell: Another Clint Eastwood Masterpiece?

Great Review

I can't wait to see it and am still amazed that a 90 year old Eastwood is out there creating memorable films.  May he live and work well into his 100's if he chooses to.

Oh and today I saw him as a gunfighter in an episode of the western Maverick.  He already had the moves to now seem obvious as pure Hollywood perfection on film.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hugh Beamont - Best TV Dad

This is a great Video describing the background of Hugh Beaumont.  He's the TV dad that we all wouldn't have minded having for our own dad.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Review - The Art of Slow Writing Reflections on time, Craft, and Creativity - By Louise DeSalvo

Book Review - by Brent Herrick

The Art of Slow Writing  Reflections on time, Craft, and Creativity - By Louise DeSalvo

I’ll have to place this as one of the best books for an aspiring writer to get past the mental hurdles of completing a work.  I found myself already using some of the methods she described but hadn’t been given proof that it was a viable approach. Learning that other successful writers use these methods is a confirmation that these are justified.   But I only used a few of these and the list of ways to get through a project to completion is extensive in this excellent manual for writing. 

As the title describes there is an art to slow writing and just knowing that an expert  gives you permission to take your time in whatever manner needed to get it done. The worst thing to do is to give up.  Find a way if you’re at a logjam and DeSalvo gives you many methods to do so.  

The author also proves to you through her research that these aren’t all  just her methods but rather the approach taken by some of the most successful and prominent writers ever.  It helps to know that these are tried, true, and often used techniques to get the job done. As a writing teacher the author has honed the skills down to a precise collection of workable techniques to get through or around the obstacles to completing a work.

I now have to buy a copy of this book since I found one at the library but will have to add it to my writing reference collection and reread it often.

More than that, I now have to explore her other works since I have often found that if a writer has one good book out there that you’ve found you need to see what else they’ve done.  It’s often a wellspring of great reading.

I’d like to make this a longer and more complete review but the motivation to get to work on some of my longstanding projects pulls me away to get back to it.  So not only is this book a great information resource but I would now classify it as a motivational tool. 

***** Five Stars

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Tennyson and God

That God, which ever lives and loves,
One God, one law, one element,
And one far-off divine event,
To which the whole creation moves.
—Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Susan Oliver - Actress

Rt. 66
Welcome to Amity

Susan Oliver always plays parts that at some point test her with a wide range of emotional highs and lows, much more so than most acting parts.  In this part she plays someone who is firmly fixed on a goal that pits her against everyone in the town in Amity who knew her family.  She's in a struggle against the past and the town to move her mother from a pauper's grave to a paid plot that puts her mother in a prominent place.  She plays a strong willed and aggrieved young woman who wants to set the past right when it comes to her long dead mother.  The story of how and why the town is against the move is held back until the end.  She plays an angry and tortured daughter of a mother whom she now only wants to get even by moving her.  She wants to be free of her anger and sees this as her only way.  While it makes little sense to most when thinking of this situation it made for a strong

"God Willing, I'll be by before I leave, " were her last words. to her aunt.  Crying at the graveside she lets go of her anger and says , "poor woman, momma."

It was a sad but emotionally satisfying ending. 

As for Susan Oliver the actress, her beauty is preserved on film long after the ravages of cancer and treatment took her life.  She played many parts (128) in her shortened acting career which only accentuate the loss to the art of acting and entertainment.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Sherree North

The Fugitive - The Walls of Night

She plays a waitress and as in any part she plays she is real. 


Saturday, February 9, 2019

Arelene Martel - Beautiful



Have gun will travel  - Richard Boone

Episode - The Princess and the Gunfighter

She always assumed the character and played those parts magically that placed her as a Princess or Royalty.

She passed away in 2014.  R.I.P

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

R.I.P. Georgann Johnson

Georgann Johnson IMDB

She played at least two episodes of the fugitive and many other roles where a wholesome and good natured wife fit the part.  It's sad to hear of her passing in 2018.

Monday, February 4, 2019

R.I.P. Julie Adams

Julie Adams - Creature of the Black Lagoon

I remember her in a number of her best parts and she was fun and very recognizable with her unique personality and intelligence.  Her standout early part still brings a smile to many faces as the girl kidnapped by the creature from the black lagoon.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Gene Hackman - Happy 89th Birthday

Gene Hackman IMDB

He's good, really good.  In The Outlaw Josey Wales he played such a menacing part that you could feel the stress that he gave to everyone around him on screen.  I remember him in movies going back to when I was a youth and never remember him in a second rate part even though he very often played the supporting role.

His 20 Best Movies

Friday, January 25, 2019

Angel - Rockford Files

Stuart Margolin - IMDB

He played the perfect weasel yet somehow you couldn't hate him.  He made you laugh.  It's good to see he's still out there somewhere going strong.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Bradford Dillman - R.I.P. 1930-2018

Bradford Dillman - Actor

The Day of the Comet - The Big Valley

I remember him in so many parts over the years that I didn't realize his early years were so productive.   Dillman played a great part as Mercer in this struggle for survival as a disgraced Officer from the Civil War who is being hunted down by some of his former company that blames him for their losses.

He is a great actor with a with a place in movies and TV that always had him in trouble, at risk, and appearing unstable or untrustworthy.  He played those parts well thanks to a voice, a look, and mannerisms that fit those characters.

Somehow to me he also seemed like a man who could smile and had an intelligence to enjoy his life.  I hope it was so.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Robert Webber: Always a Presence on the Screen


Robert Webber always played strong  though conflicted personalities on screen though often he played characters that were challenged with difficult circumstances.  He played a deceiver well and yet he had a face and manner that always placed him as a leader for good or bad.

It is sad to see that he passed away so early as his place on screen was always exceptional.

Pippa Scott: Fun to Watch in every part she played

Pippa IMDB

I've watched her in so many shows including Perry Mason episodes and the Fugitive.  She has a voice you can't forget and what wonderful facial expressions.  She has great energy at all moments on screen.

In this episode the Fugitive titled The Garden House she plays a schemer and does it exceptionally well.


Here is Pippa in an Episode of the Waltons.  What a voice.

Pippa Scott Human Rights Activism

Here is a video of her efforts to stop human rights abuse.


Another part that was outside of her range of characters that she normally played was as a Marine Captain in Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. in an episode titled "Captain Ironpants."

The title was to describe the character that Pippa Scott played in this episode.

I watched it tonight and found it difficult to see how Pippa restrained herself to become a Marine since I am so used to her delightful energy level.  She made up for it by being a hard case Marine who periodically yelled and in particular yelled at Gomer.  As usual, it had a pleasant ending where Gomer had somehow by his simple and innocent nature found a way to change this Marine Captain's outlook.  Many of his actions would be considered quaint and even sexist by today's standards but his overall demeanor seems to blunt this criticism.  Remind yourself that this was filmed in the 1960's and just enjoy the innocence of it.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Frank Overton - the Gentle Actor

In an episode of The Fugitive he is the town Sheriff which is a part he often plays.  His persona seems the perfect fit for the steady, reasonable, and kind man who happens to wear a badge.  I can't even count how many times he has filled that part plus many others where he just plays the same man, an everyman that we all wish we had as a friend. 

In this particular episode Dr. Kimble has saved a school bus full of kids from a fire but is temporarily disabled by the blast of the gasoline tank on the bus.  The whole town wants to replay the man with no ID and just a name he gives them.  Overton as Sheriff  of NorthOak brings Kimble into his house to recover not knowing his true identity. 

It's a great story so I won't ruin it for you but watch it yourself if you can and start looking for Frank Overton in any of the many shows he appears in during his career cut short by his early death in 1967 at the age of 49.  He did appear older than his true age but his decent character came through in ever part and it's either a case of being an incredible actor or more likely it was his true nature that fit the parts he played. 
