Monday, January 14, 2019

Frank Overton - the Gentle Actor

In an episode of The Fugitive he is the town Sheriff which is a part he often plays.  His persona seems the perfect fit for the steady, reasonable, and kind man who happens to wear a badge.  I can't even count how many times he has filled that part plus many others where he just plays the same man, an everyman that we all wish we had as a friend. 

In this particular episode Dr. Kimble has saved a school bus full of kids from a fire but is temporarily disabled by the blast of the gasoline tank on the bus.  The whole town wants to replay the man with no ID and just a name he gives them.  Overton as Sheriff  of NorthOak brings Kimble into his house to recover not knowing his true identity. 

It's a great story so I won't ruin it for you but watch it yourself if you can and start looking for Frank Overton in any of the many shows he appears in during his career cut short by his early death in 1967 at the age of 49.  He did appear older than his true age but his decent character came through in ever part and it's either a case of being an incredible actor or more likely it was his true nature that fit the parts he played. 



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