Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Review: Grit by Angela Duckworth

I found this book on a Playaway digital device at the library. 9 Hours of Audio

The title is quite accurate though I had visions of John Wayne riding across the fields guns blazing when I thought of grit.  Instead, the author gives a superb account of how this particular trait is common among successful people.  The important thing is that it is a learnable trait and can be increased with effort that over time reinforces itself once victories are scored.

If you want a book on success and how to achieve it this would be a great start.  I recognize immediately the common methods that all masters of their specific skill use to become masters.  This conforms to some extent to the ten thousand hour rule of mastery but adds the need for thoughtful training, something that is hard and requires discipline.

This is an excellent self-help book and offers great insight on perseverance and passion.  Her research in to the effect of these two common traits to success is what makes this book special.  Another thing is that the author narrated it herself.  If you can find the playaway version it's a nice audio book to have while traveling.  If not, here is print version below.

It is long and requires some focus to stay with it and this of course is another sign of grit on your part in that you want to achieve the gains that this book can give you toward your life goals.

***** 5 Stars -  Excellent

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