Monday, January 30, 2017

Review: The Gone Fishin' Portfolio

Review: The Gone Fishin' Portfolio By Alexander Green

This book boils down to two or three simple pages.  These list the portfolios you would use to safely diversify your investments while limiting the effort involved.

Simplicity and Brevity best describe the concept.  I have seen similar recommendations before but not in such a precise and complete discussion with a logical reasoning for this to work.

If you want to just set money aside and let it work then this approach makes sense.

The author also wisely suggests that only you care about your money like you do.  It is true.  Brokers and investment advisors are there to serve their interests and not yours no matter how much they profess otherwise.

Having read so many other investment books in the past I feel jaded on the subject of personal finance. I still found many of his points refreshing and honest as if from a man with no need to worry about what stating such things might cost him in the industry.  He has all he needs according to him so this may explain it.

Regardless, I like the choices involved such as the Vanguard group index funds which have always been my favorites.  His reasoning makes perfect sense based on reducing fees and expenses which over time become a major part of your return.

4.5  Stars **** 1/2   Strongly Recommend

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