Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Review: Grit by Angela Duckworth

I found this book on a Playaway digital device at the library. 9 Hours of Audio

The title is quite accurate though I had visions of John Wayne riding across the fields guns blazing when I thought of grit.  Instead, the author gives a superb account of how this particular trait is common among successful people.  The important thing is that it is a learnable trait and can be increased with effort that over time reinforces itself once victories are scored.

If you want a book on success and how to achieve it this would be a great start.  I recognize immediately the common methods that all masters of their specific skill use to become masters.  This conforms to some extent to the ten thousand hour rule of mastery but adds the need for thoughtful training, something that is hard and requires discipline.

This is an excellent self-help book and offers great insight on perseverance and passion.  Her research in to the effect of these two common traits to success is what makes this book special.  Another thing is that the author narrated it herself.  If you can find the playaway version it's a nice audio book to have while traveling.  If not, here is print version below.

It is long and requires some focus to stay with it and this of course is another sign of grit on your part in that you want to achieve the gains that this book can give you toward your life goals.

***** 5 Stars -  Excellent

Monday, January 30, 2017

In Memoriam: Barbara Hale dies at 94

She was beautiful

I just heard about Barbara Hale passing away. I watch her every week night on Perry Mason reruns. I always thought she was beautiful even when seeing her on TV as a kid. She always was nice on TV and in interviews.

Condolences to her family.  We'll miss you Barbara.

Thankfully she lives on in regular reruns.  I watched a youtube video of her at a convention in her later years and she was still very friendly and happy.  It was nice to see her still that way.

Review: The Gone Fishin' Portfolio

Review: The Gone Fishin' Portfolio By Alexander Green

This book boils down to two or three simple pages.  These list the portfolios you would use to safely diversify your investments while limiting the effort involved.

Simplicity and Brevity best describe the concept.  I have seen similar recommendations before but not in such a precise and complete discussion with a logical reasoning for this to work.

If you want to just set money aside and let it work then this approach makes sense.

The author also wisely suggests that only you care about your money like you do.  It is true.  Brokers and investment advisors are there to serve their interests and not yours no matter how much they profess otherwise.

Having read so many other investment books in the past I feel jaded on the subject of personal finance. I still found many of his points refreshing and honest as if from a man with no need to worry about what stating such things might cost him in the industry.  He has all he needs according to him so this may explain it.

Regardless, I like the choices involved such as the Vanguard group index funds which have always been my favorites.  His reasoning makes perfect sense based on reducing fees and expenses which over time become a major part of your return.

4.5  Stars **** 1/2   Strongly Recommend

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Review: The Survivor by Gregg Hurwitz

Book on CD 11 discs

I didn't know for sure how the story would end but I had an idea.  The hero was a sad character who in the midst of a suicide saves the day in a bank robbery.  From there he and his family become the target of Ukrainian mobsters.  It is a detailed story though sometimes not plausible still holds your interest when you suspend disbelief and just enjoy the storytelling.  I found myself addicted enough to the  story to binge on it by spending a whole day popping in another CD until it was finished.  It became as stressful as watching a season of 24 and to me that is a great compliment to the level of anticipation and suspense throughout.  I am actually getting a little stressed thinking about the story again.  It had every level of emotion you could find in a story making it well worth the read or listen.

Nice Job Mr. Hurwitz

***** 5 stars

Monday, January 2, 2017

Review: Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King

I have listened to this book twice on CD about a year apart.  It was good enough to do this.  King really makes the story work with perfected suspense and fear you feel for his characters.  At the same time you can't help but loathe the villain.  He takes extra care in cultivating the disgust you have for the villain named Brady.  You'll know what I'm talking about if you read the book or listen to it.

I have read, listened, or watched every book and story King has written and published as best as I can tell.  I always look for him in the library.  He is unique in many ways but his most important skill is that he tells stories really well.