Thursday, May 31, 2018

Canon Cameras - passing of an era

Canon - Out of Film Cameras

I've owned them and they were superb.  But we've all gone digital for most things and this is another indicator of how much has changed.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Is an English Degree Worthless?

Joe Bob - English Major Confesses

Joe Bob has a point and it is that you had better really like English and Literature if you take that course of study because the marketability of it is doubtful in this day and time.  You may end up in some writing profession or you might end up cleaning houses or serving coffee as a Barista.  Then of course there is always the gig economy where you'll be driving people around in your car for $10 and hour. 

I already had a profession if you want to call it that so for me it was simply do I want to new profession at my late age or should I enroll in something I enjoyed.  I chose enjoyment and though I haven't regretted it I do realize that the limitations of an English degree has a lot to do with the perceptions of the people doing the hiring.  So if you take the route of English your best bet is going to be self-employment whether it is in the English teaching or writing realm or you could end up having to take specific training to become fully employable.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

In Remembrance Tom Wolfe

NYT on Tom Wolfe

I've loved his work since introduced to it in a literature class though I actually ran across it before that and never made the connection.  The Bonfire of the Vanities became a favorite movie for me because Hanks, Willis, Griffith, and Weaver are in it and of course the story is great.

Later, coming across all of his work I made an effort or should I say an education of reading everything he wrote.   When new books came out I'd read them and felt I understood his intent and learned something. 

The NYT article covers almost everything that can be said except maybe that even us lowly readers and not just the critics or major artists found his work exceptional.  Part of what made it so enjoyable is how it skewed so many of the pretentious and opened bare the truth through story and description that has limited much fiction now.

It's a sad day to know that an artist of such talent has left the stage.

Tom Wolfe, RIP