Tuesday, February 14, 2017

In Memoriam: Barbara Hale Passes Away at 94 - a Class Act


Some things in this world matter to each of us.  Over the past few years I began to watch Perry Mason reruns and remember why I appreciated Barbara Hale as a smart, competent, sometimes daring,  and always beautiful legal secretary.  Paul Drake would back me up on that.   I checked online back then to see if Barbara was still alive and yes, she was and somehow that provided some continuity to a time when life in the USA as observably kinder, friendlier, and more civilized despite the weekly murders that appeared on the Perry Mason Show.

I found a youtube video of her at a celebrity signing show and she was still happy and and still held a twinkle in her eyes.

So, I've been waiting for the sad news that I knew must come and it did and sadly I never met her but can still see Della Street five days a week in reruns on METV.    She was a class act.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Review: Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel

This is a classic for those who study Zen and also want to understand the connection between Archery or any other discipline as it related to enlightenment.  It's a short read but pleasant, concise, and tremendously informative.

zen in the art of archery

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Choose Your Words Carefully: Guerrilla got a man fired

ESPN tennis commentator fired for incorrect word usage.

The benefit of writing rather than speaking is that you can hit delete before you print.  It also lets you spell the word, and especially if the word sounds very similar to another one that is deemed offensive depending on the context of use.  That may not have mattered in this instance since it seems to be possible to read the mind of speaker.

  As the world changes and things we never considered are now enough to get you fired, well consider them or pay the price.  This is a simple reality that continues to hurt those that step out of the box.  As a teacher consider this or you may find yourself explaining your words and actions.  As a writer there is simply no taking it back since you are supposed to have the foresight to know what is in the mind of the reader.

Update - He's suing.